Thursday, January 2, 2014

5th Annual Chicago Bluegrass & Blues Fest

You don't have to wait until summer in order to enjoy a good ol' fashioned Chicago music festival. The fest season starts next week when the 5th Annual Chicago Bluegrass & Blues Fest kicks off at the Concord Music Hall.

I know what you're thinking, "what the hell do you know about bluegrass music!?!?" Not much, but I'm sure many of you reading don't either, so this is the perfect opportunity for all of us to get familiar with this forever evolving genre.

Many people associate the term "bluegrass" as being a younger sibling to country and western music, and while that statement might hold some merit to it, country is only a small fraction of what influences can be heard in today's bluegrass. If you listen closely you will hear traditional sounds from many European countries (Ireland, England, and Scotland to name a few), a sprinkle of of folk music, and even a splash of jazz.

Every bluegrass act brings something different to the table, and the Chicago Bluegrass & Blues Fest (the CBB to us cool cats) will showcase many prominent bluegrass artists as well as some of the lessor known contributors to the sound.  I've been rambling about the bluegrass aspect of the festival, but there is also a blues element (what's a Chicago music festival without the blues?)

Chicago Bluegrass & Blues Fest founders (Mike Raspatello, Silver Wrapper, and React Presents) decided to something a little different with this year's incarnation of the festival. They decided to set it up as more as a "film festival" style event, with different acts appearing on different nights at different venues in the Chicago-land area. A great idea in my book, since the weather this time of year in Chicago tends to dictate when and where we can seek entertainment. Weather aside, I'm sure all of the acts know how to heat up a cold night.

With 17 shows spread out over three weeks starting on January 10th with Leagues and The Autumn Defense, even the casual music fan will have every opportunity to indulge in this smorgasbord of music. I recommend checking out a show whether you're familiar with the genre or not, its always good to start off your new year with a new experience.

For tickets and more information, go to Below is a full line-up of the acts and the venues they will be appearing at. You're welcome.

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