Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year...New Name...New Game

Happy New Year everybody! Many of you may already know that I am not one for making New Year's resolutions, so please believe that what has taken place is in no way some fake ass promise to you or myself to be better. I mean let's face it, I'm as good as it gets, so the only promise I can make is to give you more. I've had this plan in motion for while, it's just a coincidence the name change happened on January 1st, so suck it

When I started Conscious Residue, it was mainly just release therapy for myself, but the more I wrote, the more curious I grew as to what this could evolve to. I was able to provide a space for other creative and like-minded individuals to express their thoughts on various subjects and contribute great content (Dustine, Tim, and Jeff), and two others who claim they will eventually write something for the blog (I'm not going to name any names, but for argument's sake, let's just call them Allycia and DeMario). With these new partnerships, CR was able to get over 12,000 unique views in 2013.

I know what you're thinking, "12,000!?!?! That ain't shit! I seen a kitten wearing a bow-tie and tube socks on YouTube get 12 million views in 2 days." To that I say blow me. I think 12,000 views is not bad for a medium (the Internet) that is geared towards a partially illiterate audience and having a strict marketing budget of posting on Facebook. My goal is to at least double that in 2014.

Which brings me to the name change, #Culture. Even though I love the name Conscious Residue, it just didn't have that ring to it like major online media brands Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, or Grantland do. Let's face it, Conscious Residue sounds like an album title from a pretentious jazz artist or a new strand of marijuana some hippy in Montana cultivated.

Yes, technically the name #Culture dumbs it down, but it still gets our point across. In Twitter terms, the hashtag (#) means trending or the current hot topic. Not only will we showcase trending topics, but I hope to have #Culture itself trending in 2014.

We will still rant about dumb pop-culture nonsense, hit you with the standards (Week Sauce, The A.D.D. Report, Daily Throwbacks, etc...), and give you a few new things (WacGyver Podcast and live event reviews). Who knows, we might be able to get Jeff Donovan to complete his 31 Horror Movies in 31 Days reviews list...wishful thinking.

I'm excited about the work I plan to put into this blog this year, and hopefully one or two of you will enjoy the outcome. For the first time this're welcome.

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