Monday, January 20, 2014

Week Sauce: 1/12/2014 - 1/18/2014

Happy MLK Day! Well, either it was slow news week, or my eyes and ears were on vacation. Needless to say, I don't have much for you today. I didn't really feel like digging, so here's a short list of what were the most memorable forgetful stories of the week. You're welcome.
Cubs' New Mascot Exposed: This week, the Chicago Cubs unveiled their new mascot, Clark, to the world. Comcast SportsNet decided to air a story about the reception the new mascot was receiving around the city, and it looks like they just used the first image they found on Google Images. No harm, no foul...unless the picture you chose is one of Clark exposing his, um, franks and beans. No word yet on who got fired. Only in Chicago.

Justin Bieber's House Raided By Police: They went in looking for a white guy and eggs, and came out with a black guy and cocaine. Amazing. Only in California.

Pimp Sues Nike: Usually Nike is the one doing the "pimping," but not in this case. Sirgiorgiro Clardy, an Oregon pimp who is currently serving an 100 year prison sentence for viciously stomping one of his prostitutes' "johns" in the face, filed a lawsuit against the athletic equipment juggernaut this past week. Clardy was wearing a pair of Air Jordans while he committed his violent act, and claims he had no idea the shoes were so dangerous and had the capacity to inflict so much damage to the human face.

I guess he's claiming that if MJ put a warning label on his shoes (perhaps to show that they weren't "face-stomping retardant...I don't), the face-stomping wouldn't have been as violent. Clardy is suing Nike for "mental suffering" caused by his jail sentence. It truly is hard out there for a pimp. Only in America.

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