Friday, September 20, 2013

A.D.D. Report: Drake-ing Bad

Question: is AMC the new HBO?? HBO has had great luck with producing some all-time great dramas. The Wire, Oz, Sopranos...all classics! AMC has The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. I like both shows (well I actually LOVE The Walking Dead).

I'm probably one of a few that thinks Breaking Bad is just ok. I guess I just expected so much more. I do admit a bias of liking zombies a hell of a lot more than drug cartels, but nothing tops a good old fashioned ruthless drug cartel. I thought his family would be in harm's way at least once in the storyline, but in 5 seasons neither the son, the daughter, nor the mother have ever been abducted or scratched. I mean the son is handicapped which is such an easy target in my opinion.

They set a precedent early in the show when the cartel cut off then placed an informant's head on a tortoise. I thought "HOLY SHIT! It can't get any better than this!" Then it did because there was a bomb inside the tortoise shell, exploding, killing multiple law enforcement officials. That still is the best moment of the series to me. I wanted cartel kills like that or clever kills like the wheelchair bomb that killed Gus. That's what I signed up for but the show just doesn't have enough of that.

Usually over time during a TV series, you gain a favorite character and your most hated. I didn't like any of them until this season when Todd was introduced. I like his gumption. When he found a nanny cam in one of the houses they were gonna use to "cook", I knew he was gonna be crucial going forward. He understands that you gotta do what you gotta do, including killing kids. He shot a kid who saw the group pull off a train heist. He shot him with no remorse. I loved it! I'm not apologetic for my fondness of coldness in a TV drama. It's TV dammit, take it THERE!!!

I have been watching so much Breaking Bad to stay up to date, that I haven't paid attention to much else....except music and WWE, of course. In music, I've only been listening to Lil' Wayne's Dedication 5 and Drake's Nothing Was The Same. This Drake album isn't better than his last one, Take Care. The CD is slower and there's a lot of singing and raps that turn into singing. I don't mind his singing, but I like that Drake that just spits like in the songs 9 AM in Dallas and 5 AM in Toronto. The song Worse Behaviour is my favorite track off the album, however, I hate the spelling. It's a good album but not great like Take Care was.
Lil' Wayne's Dedication 5,on the other hand, is GREAT! One of the reasons he's my favorite rapper is because of these freestyle albums where he re-does the game's hottest raps songs and destroys them. His take on Rocko's U.O.E.N.O I think is the best track, but his reformat of Drake's verse on A.$.A.P. Rocky's Fuckin' Problems is brilliant! His lyrical content is back to god-like proportions, opposite of the mere mortal lyrics he displayed on Dedication 4.
Man these two need to do an album together (sigh). That's all I got this week seeing as I'm gearing up for the NBA to kick off with training camp and last minute roster changes. Majority of my future content will be NBA based. As many of you may have noticed, a huge chunk of my life is music, NBA, WWE and Walking Dead. If I could just get Drake & Lil' Wayne to take on The Shield for the tag team belts in a Lumberjack Match where the ring is surrounded by zombies and the match is called by Charles Barkley, I could die a happy man! Yea, my mind is quite eccentric. Digression over. 

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