Thursday, March 7, 2013

"Let's Not Get Personal Here..."

The worst part about having a day job, besides waking up, is missing out on all my ESPN shows.  I haven't seen PTI or Around the Horn in ages, and don't let me tell you how long its been since I've woken up to back to back to back to back to back Sports Centers.  Tears are literally forming in m eyes as I type this.  

Today I would have quit the gig and risked divorce if I would have known in advance what was going to happen on First Take.  

First and foremost, I hate First Take, mostly because of the loud and obnoxious duo that host the show, Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless.  I'd rather watch soccer or NASCAR, than see these two know-nothings scream and rant for an hour.

Finally, someone put Skip Bayless in his place and took him down a peg or two.  Seattle Seahawks' defensive back Richard Sherman laid into Bayless the old country way.  It was like Sherman had been holding that in for years and finally got to release it.  Like the part in The Color Purple when Celie finally lets Mister have it (anyone...anyone?).  Sherman basically told Skip that he sucks at life, in not so many words, well in basically those words.  Now if only someone will tell Stephen A. about himself.  I guess just watch the clip.  You're welcome.

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