Monday, March 11, 2013

Week Sauce (3/3 - 3/9)

A little late this week, was busy making donuts yesterday.  No, not actual donuts, I was making that guap.  It was a slow week, or maybe I was just too busy to pay attention. Whatever it may be, here's what I got.

Magic Johnson Offers Lebron James $1 Million: No this was not one of those indecent proposal kind of things, the headline was going to be too long.  Magic offered Lebron $1 million to participate in next year's dunk contest during all-star weekend.  Is it really that serious?  I think we already see too much of Lebron as it is. If you have that much money to throw away on something as frivolous as a dunk contest, give it to charity.  Another case of us allowing the athletic world to think that what they do is world changing.  "Me Lebron, me dunk ball good."  GTFOH.

The Undertaker Returns:  Its Wrestle Mania time ladies and gents, and that means its time for the Undertaker to attempt to extend his undefeated streak.  This year's potential victim, Chicago's very own, CM Punk.  Should be interesting.

March Snow Storm:  I'm over it.  I just want some color to return outside.  It doesn't snow damn there all winter and we get 7-8 inches as soon as it hits March.  The kicker is that I messed up my car during it.  Lose, lose.  Hopefully, we're done...hopefully.

Paul Rand's Filibuster: Our tax dollars at work.  This is epic and ridiculous at the same time.  13 hours this man spoke about drone killings.  13 hours to basically say "f*ck you, Obama, and the CIA nomination you rode in on." I just did it in less than 30 seconds, and it cost the American people nothing.  13 hours..."c'mon, man!" (Keyshawn Johnson voice).

Oz The Great & Powerful Dominates the Box Office: Disney did it again.  Their Wizard of Oz prequel raked in a whopping $80 million in its opening weekend.  They could get Lebron to compete in dunk contests for the rest of the century with that kind of scratch.  Since prequels do suck, it did get panned by movie-goers and critics nationwide.  Disney still got paid, pretty sure they don't care.

That is all.  You're welcome.

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